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Rev Dr A.M.B Matsebula is the President of the Free evangelical Assemblies in swaziland and the siniour pastor of the Mbabane brance. under the Mbabane Mission the are 10 Mission Branch.



The Free Evangelical  Assemblies  exist  to  serve  as  an  instrument  for  making  all  people  through  the word , disciples  of Jesus  Christ  by  preaching  the gospel  unto salvation ; incorporate  all  those  who are saved  into the fellowship  of  believers , and equip (teach) them for  the  ministry  in the  church  and body of Christ  in general  and  ultimately, through  the Lord’s  grace  and power  of the Holy Spirit present  believers  on the  day  of the  Lord blameless  and perfect  before  Christ.



The Free Evangelical Assemblies is determined to reach the whole world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, starting from Southern Africa.


Mission Statement

The free Evangelical Assemblies is an Evangelical Pentecostal Church with a Presbyterian Leadership style, which exists to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all people and to....




Our local churches  represent, in each community  where  they  are found ; our faith, our way  of  worship , our  doctrine  and policy . It is where the gospel is preached , those saved are taught  the  scriptures  and  where Christians  holiness is propagated. It also in our local churches  where most of our ordinance  are observed , saints equipped  for the  ministry  and  some called   and  set  apart  to full  time  ministry. Our vision, mission and objectives are mostly carried out through the local church.

Our  polity  as  described  by  the  this  constitution   emphases  the  unity  of the  Free Evangelical Assemblies as  a denomination  from  the fro the  local church to the  mission  Station  and  the  entire  F.E.A  as one  church. Therefore the local church is the foundation and pillar of the Free Evangelical Assemblies  denomination.

In regard we the entire   Free Evangelical  Assemblies  members; which  include  ministers, Elders and the  general membership do hereby agree


That theHollyBibleremainsthe supreme andauthoritativeguideof the church with regardtospirituallife , conductanddoctrine. Wheretheconstitutionremainssilentorambiguous , the Holy Biblewill remainas guide.

We therefore , commit   and  bind  ourselves , as a church , by the grace  of God  to abide  by  the  dictates  of the  constitution.



Some of the church’s objectives include:

  •  To preach and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to the Holy Scriptures as will be commanded by the Holy Spirit: In this regard to visit homes. Hospitals, Schools, prisons and other public places

  • To provide relief of poverty, suffering, distress and financial assistance for the education of orphaned or under privileged people.

  • To work together with any institution, organisations, societies or churches having objectives altogether or in part similar to those of this church

  • To establish and support educational and health institutions, wherever and whenever possible

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